Been a year.
Now that I’m wrapping up my contract it’s time to get back to professional development (this job kept me BUSY for the past year!). I decided my first priority would be to find a way to wrap up that 538 project. It’s a shame that I worked so hard on it, and I do have something to show for it, but I haven’t managed to put it on a resumé or anything. Today I had to refamiliarize myself with everything, it seemed.
Opened up Jupyter. Turns out my ProblemStatment file alone is self-contained and impressive enough. It’s the intro to the Erdös Institute Data Science Boot Camp project I tried to do last spring. The code scrapes metadata from the features pages on The highlight of the code is the function I wrote to scrape the number of comments. I have a folder with output files, the most recent has the metadata from 1026 posts. Nice and neat, I figure there must be a simple way to present this metadata on a webpage.
So I had to go back to my website. Spent some time modifying my Links page and had to recall how to use JavaScript. Thought I’d forgotten how to push changes to github through cmd but turns out I totally remembered, nice! Started a page for the metadata and put it in my 538Project repository. Took forever to figure out I had to go to GitHub Pages to publish it. It’s just now working, but I gotta edit the CSS because right now it doesn’t have the field of white that my Fitbit Stats Project page does.
Did a little bit of browsing for how to read a text file into html. Looks like I might need JavaScript. JQuery? Remembered I need to recall how to open up a local server. So that’s where I am now.