My first data challenge.
As part of a technical interview workshop with Erdös Institute, this morning I did a data challenge to present at the problem session tomorrow. I gave myself 3 hours to do it, and barely got through cleaning the data. Toward the end of the 3 hours, I realized and learned some things I could’ve done to get further along, but I just ran out of time. But it was interesting putting my Python abilities to the test in a timed setting. I don’t think I know Python as well as I thought I did. Or maybe I already had a realistic idea of how proficient I am – my application for the boot camp TA position was near perfect, in my opinion, but it also took 6 hours to complete (and Matt doesn’t know that). Now I want to try more data challenges to see if I can get better.
To summarize the challenge, I was given passenger data from a spaceship trip of migrants going to one of three habitable planets. Along the way, the spaceship ran into a spacetime anomaly and almost half of the passengers were transported to an alternate dimension. The goal was to predict which passengers were transported. I was given a train file with 2/3 of the pasengers’ data, including whether or not they were transported, and the remaining data was in a test file, without information about whether or not they were transported.
It wasn’t hard to figure out which algorithm to choose to solve the problem, since I only know two: PCA and $k$-nearest neighbors. Luckily $k$-nearest neighbors is a classification algorithm so I chose that. The only problem was that several of the variables were categorical. When I ran the info
function on the train data the data type for the categorical columns was object. I read online that changing object data to categorical data reduces memory. I also thought making this change would give numerical categories for each data point and then I would be able to run the $k$nn algorithm and see what happens.
Along the way I noticed there was missing data. Matt did a lecture during the last boot camp about how to fill in missing data. The process is called imputation. I filled in most of the categorical features’ data with the most frequent observation, the numerical data with the mean, and a couple of other features with “Unknown”. I guess I thought it was possible that “Unknown” could be an observation correlated with whether or not a passenger was transferred. At this point I ran into a pesky error filling in those columns with the most frequent observation. I used the code Matt used in his lecture, but I kept getting an error, even though when I used the same code for the other columns it worked fine. I ended up replacing the code
for column in ["HomePlanet", "CryoSleep", "Destination", "VIP"]:
cleaned_train_data.loc[cleaned_train_data[column].isna(), column] = cleaned_train_data[column].mode()
for column in ["HomePlanet", "CryoSleep", "Destination", "VIP"]:
cleaned_train_data[column].fillna(cleaned_train_data[column].mode()[0], inplace=True)
# code found at
After that I thought that since the “Cabin” data was formatted according to deck/number/side, “deck” and “side” might be features that need to be taken into account. Luckily it wasn’t too hard to break this data into two new columns.
After that I was ready to try the algorithm. Unfortunatly, $k$nn cannot take categorical data types after all. I looked up ways to convert categorical data to numerical data. One way is to just assign a number to each member of the category. However, that puts arbitrary weight on members of the category that are assigned higher numbers. The method I found to avoid this problem is called one-hot encoding. One-hot encoding creates a column for every member of the category and then assigns a 1 if that member is observed and a 0 otherwise. This is exactly what I used in the 538 project, without realizing what it was! In that project I had used it for PCA, and so I began to think maybe PCA would be a better algorithm for this challenge. My reasoning was that if being transferred was correlated with any of the other features, then I would be able to see it with PCA. I’d actually thought of doing that with the data first thing (remember, I only know 2 algorithms), but couldn’t because of the categorical data. There is a one-hot encoding function but before I could figure out how to implement it I ran out of time (maybe I’ll try it on my 538 data). Also found out there is an imputing function. Maybe if I’d known about it I wouldn’t have had to spend so much time fixing that error.
So in the 3 hours I was only able to clean the data, except for the one-hot encoding. I didn’t really have a choice but to clean the data first, or else no predicting algorithm would’ve worked. I think had I gotten past the cleaning I would’ve done PCA first. I don’t know how $k$nn would’ve worked with one-hot encoding. It would’ve been nice to have a completed analysis even if the best algorithm was not PCA or $k$nn, but I was told that employers don’t necessarily expect interviewees to finish the data challenge. I was hoping to impress the other members of my cohort at the problem session tomorrow. Maybe I will, but I’ll definitely learn something.