My online presence.

I was thinking about a blog post re: more general stuff. The privacy risks of using a browser extension like Honey, and then inviting my Facebook friends to download it, too.

Applications of complexity analysis of algorithms to chores like scooping the kitty boxes (time, effort, and monetary cost efficiency of how often I scoop, how many litter boxes I have, how often I vacuum the vicinity of the litter boxes, how often I vacuum the entire house, how often I add litter, how often I change the litter, how often I scrub the litter box, under what conditions is kitty more/less likely to piss on the floor, the efficacy of various “self-cleaning” litter boxes, efficacy of various floor mats that allow kitty to wipe its feet and not throw kitty litter all over the place, etc.) or decluttering my computer (restart each time I install or uninstall a program? how often do I run the registry cleaner software? move all thousands of music files from one drive to another manually or let the music database software do it? organize those files in clusters at a time or all at once?); these thoughts come from having been reading lately about divide-and-conquer algorithm strategies.

Not helpful

Eventually soon getting involved in some open source project but in the meantime at least contributing in ways like editing Wikipedia. Do I tie my identity with that account to this one on Github? Is my professional webpage tied to this blog or vice-versa? What about Facebook or LinkedIn? A Disqus account? A Reddit account? A StackExchange account? A registration with Music Bee so I can edit and contribute to their anemic help pages? My Google+ account(s)?

Can I contribute something valuable?

Written on June 25, 2017