I am trying to change the url of my blog but I can’t figure it out. I followed the directions for Solution 2 on this page but it didn’t work. I also edited the _config.yml file by changing the url and baseurl. I also noticed in that file I have mathjax set to true, so I don’t know why I’ve also had problems rendering LaTeX in my blog posts.
Now I just reloaded my site and all the formatting went away! I read Solution 1, but it said to tell the deployment scheme to deploy the blog directory and I don’t know how to do that. But I don’t understand why Solution 2 doesn’t work. OK, now I changed everything back and it loads correctly. I think I had to change permalink back to :title.html. OK, now I changed permalink to /blog/:title.html and nothing happened, but then when I changed it back /blog shows up in the url of my blog posts now. But the homepage for the blog is still not under /blog. I just changed url to https://…, I noticed there was no s in the name. Doesn’t work.
OK now I committed the updates to this post and tried to load it and got a 404 page. Same thing happened when I clicked on another post. But when I remove /blog from the url it loads. However, when I click on a post it puts /blog in the url and I get the 404 page. As far as I know everything in the _config.yml file is back to the way it was. I just tried changing permalink back to /blog/:title.html. Somehow, that fixed it, but the url for the blog post no longer contains /blog.
Maybe I should try playing around with the other files in the repository. I wish I understood how Jekyll compiles this blog. Wait, now I updated this post and tried to click on it and got the 404 page again. Same thing happened when I tried to click on another blog post. But when I put /blog back in the url it loads. Looking at the _config.yml file again and I see that I didn’t change url back to what it was before. I changed it back, and changed permalink back to :title.html. Now I think the _config.yml file is back to where it was originally. That fixed everything.
Update: I did it! All I had to do was change this repository name to Blog and put “/Blog” for baseurl in the _config.yml file. I think that’s it? I don’t remember doing anything else.